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首页 > > 青岛汽车外商自带进口指标价格多少钱


发布时间:2018-10-22 14:15        浏览次数:145        返回列表

万享专业进口供应链 冯君 手机151 04081073 同微  Q Q:498 526983









1, Wan enjoy operating a large number of car cases, Mercedes-Benz, Land Rover, BMW, Bao Bao, Ferrari, Audi and other famous cars, vehicle imports can generally be divided into small 3C, small displacement and foreign own way imports, according to the car frame number And select the import method, can not be imported in accordance with conventional methods do not meet the national standard of the frame number can choose to bring their own way of foreign imports, today introduced a special way to introduce foreign imports how to operate what regulatory customs procedures for reference.


Foreign businessmen must be foreign nationals and must be residing in China for more than one year. They must work in China for more than one year (by work permit) and must be a foreigner who must be foreign nationals. Is serving staff, employment permit, passport or Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan permits, not for the old car.


3, the foreign shipping company bill of lading consignee must issue a foreign passport or Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan pass above the English name, and full name can not be wrong. At the same time, the application form and the registration form of the company's foreign trade registration form should be filled in to the foreign business location for filing. Due to the way their own way to the port after the customs clearance operation time for a long time, to borrow the cost of detached boxes of foreign shipping Lions Pinxiang slip to borrow the domestic stall costs.


4, after the arrival of the goods to the shipping company to get a single bill of lading to the original single, to the location of the foreign use of the printed "Customs seal ≈ kind, can be sealed envelope, not privately open) , Customs clearance for a good clearance after the clock sent to the port, customs clearance of goods into the special channel for approval, usually in about 3 working days after the clearance for the card, since the date of the license for one year after the transfer procedures.


5, in order to regulate the Customs and Excise Department has been the territory of the territory of motor vehicles in the regulation, to take care of their reasonable needs, is to permanent Renminbi to tax the entry of motor vehicles.





Vanhang supply chain management(Shanghai) co.,ltd.


Mob: 151  04081073  Q Q:498  526983

上海总部地址:上海浦东新区 张杨路3611号 金桥国际商业广场 6座906-908单元





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