
阅读:12 页面更新时间:2016-07-12 00:34

黑龙江省林科木业有限公司我公司是集研发、生产经营业于一体的法人实体,龙江高新企业。13年打拼高端精品,使公司木旗杆、雪条棒等5大类100多种产品既畅销国内,又跻身美国沃尔玛、欧洲、韩国、日本等国际市场供应商列;   已通过森林认证FSC、ISO9001质量管理体系认证的产品铸就了“林科品牌”,这支绚丽奇葩已位居龙江同行业排头。   自研圆棒磨削成型机、木片百叶窗片联结机;高尔夫球钉均获实用新型专利三项。餐厨用具,获外观设计专利两项:衣挂钩(HA018)和折叠衣架(HA00252)。既保障了产品更新换代又热销国内外市场。公司恪守诚信于新老用户。Our company is an enterprise in research and development. It is a high-tech company in HEILONGJIANG Province. In the past 13 years, we produce high quality wooden products. We exported the flag role and ice-cream etc. We export about 5 kinds /100 items to Wal-mart USA market, Europe, Korea and Japan. We also sell them in our domestic market.We get FSC accredited and passed ISO9001 quality certification. It makes ”LINKE Brand” better and better. It is pretty good in Heilongjiang wooden companies.We get wooden dowel point machinery, wooden window shade combine machinery, golf nail three patents. We get kitchen tools outside design two patents, cloth hook (HA018), fold hanger (HA00252). They are new type products. They are hot sale in domestic market and international market. Our company is honesty. We get good comment from our new and old customers.



    企业名称: 黑龙江省林科木业有限公司
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区幸福镇西柞村
    企业电话: 86-451-86602576
    所在地: 黑龙江/哈尔滨
    企业类型: 企业单位 (制造商)
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00