
阅读:6 页面更新时间:2016-07-14 14:06

东莞健力电业制品有限公司 KENIC MFG ELECRIC CO., LTD 成立于1979年,位于东莞长安锦厦河西工业区,主要生产各国安规电源线插头,自建三栋厂房,分为绞铜区,抽线区,生产区等,总计约25000多平方生产车间,目前有近30个安规认证, 如CCC VDE PSE UL BSI SABS UCIEE SAA CSA SII PSB IMQ 等等, 拥有职员工1200多人,月产能1000万条,2012年营业额超过5000万美元。 卓越的品质是我们坚定的信念,为了持久有效值地实施,本公司在获得通过IS09002:1994质量体系认证的基础上,将系统升级,再次获得BSI ISO9001:2000质量管理体系和BSI的QC080000HSF体系认证。系统现在我们已建立了整套完善的品质保证管理,无论从来料的,生产研程,成品等作业程序,皆依文件化和作业系统化。而且我们高度重视对员工的教育与培训,并采用精确的检验和测试仪器,对产品进行严格的品质监控点,以确保产品符合国际标准。 为了企业永续地发展,不断的的提高市场,痛恨力,我们一直致力于生产设备的投资和改进,目前我们当前已建立了铜材加工﹑电线押出﹑插头生产等整套垂直的作业生产线。目前本公司的产品已获得:南非等近30个国家机构的产品安全认证,和国际大厂索尼 松下 夏普 三洋 三星 飞利浦 等建立长久合作关系,而且我们当前仍不断进行产品的设计及开发,务求配合市场所需。Founded in 1979, KENIC Electrical Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of power cords, plug and cord sets, and flexible PVC cable and wire. With more than 1200 employees in China factories, and annual revenue of over USD 50 million, we are one of the top players in Asia in our industry.Quality is the main reason for our success. In order to persevere implement of ISO9002:1994 Quality System certificate, we ret the ISO9001:2000 Quality Management System and QC080000 HSF System certificate from BSI again. At the present time, all incoming materials, production processes, working procedures and outgoing finished goods are documented and monitored accordingly. Toward this end, a great deal of emphasis is placed on education, training and development of staff. The final piece of the quality puzzle comes from the use of precision inspection and testing equipment, which ensure that all goods strictly conform with international standards and customer requirements.To continue our rapid, and maintain cost competitiveness, KENIC is constantly investing in and improving its production equipment and processes. As a result, we are today a fully vertically integrated manufacturer, from the drawing of copper wire to the fabrication and assembly of plugs and cords. This end-to-end in-house process control has allowed us to obtain safety approvals for our products from major accreditation bodies like CCC、UL、CSA、BSI、VDE、KEMA、CEBEC、OVE、IMQ、NF、SEV、SEMKO、FIMKO、NEMKO、DEMKO、SAA、IRAM、PSE、KS、UCIEE, and others.In the spirit of innovation, we are constantly researching, designing and developing new products to keep up with market trends. Your ideas are certainly welcome.



    企业名称: 东莞健力电业制品有限公司
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 广东省东莞市东莞市-锦厦河西工业区
    企业电话: 0769-85532828
    所在地: 江苏/常州
    企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00