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朝阳磨床厂于2003年转制为朝阳朝机磨床有限公司。是目前国内集科研、设计、生产和销售为一体的立式磨床专业生产企业。公司科研和技术实力雄厚,严格遵守ISO9001:2000质量保证体系。公司主要产品为立轴圆台平磨床、立轴圆台模具磨床、立轴矩台磨床、数控立式内外圆磨床、数控立式曲线磨床等系列数控磨床产品。其“朝磨”系列磨床产品水平在国内处于地位,产品远销全国和世界各地。朝阳朝机磨床有限公司以优异的产品质量、周到的售后服务和健全的管理体制引领立轴圆台平面磨床行业市场。每一种产品都经过严格的质量管理,并深获国内外客户的肯定。朝阳朝机磨床有限公司将一如继往,做好、做精立式磨床系列产品,把专业、优质的立式磨床产品奉献给新老客户,并与之携手共进,共创辉煌。 正德厚生 臻于至善 Chaoyang Grinding Machine Factory was transformed into Chaoyang Chaoji Grinding Machine Co. Ltd in 2003. At present, it is the professional manufacturing corporation which congregates the scientific researches, design, manufacture and sales of the vertical grinding machines in the nation. The enterprise already has the solid strength of science and technology, and strictly follows the standard of ISO9001:2000 assurance system of quality in production. The main products include the vertical surface grinding machine with round table, the vertical mould grinding machine with round table, the vertical grinding machine with rectangular table, the vertical CNC internal and external grinding machine, the vertical CNC curve grinding machine and other CNC grinding machines. Chaoyang Chaoji grinding Machine Co. Ltd will be just as in the past elaborate and perfect the vertical grinding machines, and serve the professional vertical grinding machines with high quality to the old and new customers. We will make progress together and create brilliance with all friends. Good virtue and responsibility promote the development and make it at its best.



    企业名称: 朝阳磨床厂
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 辽宁省朝阳市龙城区-经济开发区
    企业电话: 0421-3718882
    所在地: 辽宁/朝阳
    企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00