
阅读:1 页面更新时间:2016-07-04 22:14
青岛悉里工具有限公司座落于青岛西海岸的旅游城市--胶南市,公司东临世界第14大集装箱港口--青岛前湾港,西接204国道,北靠同三、济青高速公路,距青岛流亭国际机场100公里,水陆空交通便利。 公司主要生产400多个型号的各种手推车、货仓车、工具车、胶轮、平板推车、内外胎等。公司生产,设备基础雄厚,国际质量保证体系完善。近几年来,随着企业的不断发展,产品质量不断提高,生产能力日益扩大,产品品种和涉及的生产经营行业越来越多,既能保证客户大批量订单的及时供货,又可为多品种、小批量客户专门生产。产品畅销全国各地及欧、美等100多个国家和地区,是世界上生产同类产品颇具影响力的企业之一,并在国际市场上享有较高的声誉,凭着过硬的质量和完善的售后服务,赢得了广大用户的支持。 公司本着“以质量求生存,以效益求发展”的经营原则,立足青岛,面向世界,以的产品质量,真诚为广大国内外客户服务。 QINGDAO XILI TOOLS MANUFACTURE LTD is one of the leading manufactures of building tools & farm tools in QINGDAO ,CHINA. We have been manufacturing quality tools and accessoriessince years.and we have 4 branch factories which can manufacture a complete range of wheelbarrows tyre&tube ,hand tools, tarpaulins, etc. in addition to coveringan area of 88,000 sq meters, nowadays we have 1500 employees. All our products are sold to more than 100countries and regions all over the world, We have created a reputation in our field as a company which can compete,in quality, price along with timely delivery. Appreciating the quality control and safety performance on the products very much, the company successfully passed ISO9002 Quality Control System in 1998 and later passed ISO9001:2000 in 2001. So far more than 60 kinds of products have gained GS and CE accreditations and over 60 kinds of products have gained E4 and CCC accreditations. We know the needs of our customers and therefore work hard to fulfill their requirement and see that they are satisfied. It is our firm belief for our customers that we cannot spell S_CCESS without "U".


    企业名称: 青岛悉里工具制造有限公司
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业电话: 532-82138213
    所在地: 山东/青岛
    企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
    经营范围: 手推车 货仓车 工具车 轮子 轮胎 钉子 五金工具 农场工具 石厂工具 劳保用品 轴承 花园工具 超市工具 等
    注册年份: 2000