
阅读:2 页面更新时间:2017-11-28 04:09
河北省河间市祥星食品机械有限责任公司成立于1988年,(原名河间市电热设备福利厂),主导产品为热风旋转炉、电热热风旋转炉、燃油热风旋转炉、燃气热风旋转炉、超省钱燃煤热风旋转炉,YXD YXQ 电热、燃气、食品烤炉、工业烤箱、烘箱、等三大系列几十个品种;厂址座落于河间市卧佛堂镇北店工业区,占地面积近万平方米,拥有雄厚的资产和技术力量,是一家专业从事烘烤机械研制、开发、生产和销售,集科、工、贸为一体的综合性企业。产品远销我国各大、中城市和地区,深受广大用户的好评和信赖。 公司始终坚持“以质量求生存、以科技促发展、以用户为上帝、以服务为“的宗旨,牢把质量关,向社会推出优质产品,向用户提供优质服务。多年来,由于产品质量稳定,多次被评为省级消费者信得过产品,重合同守信用企业,市级五好企业、无假劣商品单位和国家监督抽查十年连续合格好产品等荣誉称号,并已连续四次取得国家质量监督检验检疫总局颂发的全国工业生产许可证,证书编号:XK01-302-00052。 “质量、信誉、价格合理、用户满意”是我公司永恒的承诺。 Hebei Hejian Xiangxing Food Machine Co., Ltd. was established in 1988, (its original name is Hejian electric heating apparatus Welfare Factory), and its leading products comprise Hot-blast rotary ovenYXD YXQ GXMelectric heating apparatus, gas, coal burning food oven, industrial oven, baking vanish room and so on three series with dozens of kinds; the factory is located in the Beidian Industrial Area, Wofotang Town of Hejian city, with nearly ten thousand square meters area, which is a comprehensive enterprise of science, industry and trading, and with great capital and technical strength, specializing in the research and manufacture, exploitation, production and distribution of oven machines. The products are sold to all big, middle scope cities and regions of China, which have received good appraise and credit from the consumers. the certificate number is: XK01-302-00052.Hejian Xiangxing Food Machine Co., Ltd, Hebei, China


    企业名称: 河间市祥星食品机械有限责任公司
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 河北省河间市卧佛堂镇北店工业区
    企业电话: 0317-3825085
    企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
    经营范围: 热风旋转炉,燃煤热风旋转炉,燃油热风旋转炉,燃气热风旋转炉,电热热风旋转炉,工业烤炉,烘箱,干燥箱,
    注册年份: 2000