
阅读:1 页面更新时间:2017-11-28 00:01
阜宁县城北新建旋耕刀厂位于盐城市阜宁县城北工业区内,东临沿海高速,近靠204国道, 30多年来,我们一直从事农业机械配套用刀具的开发研究,以国标为质量依据,采用国际同行先进工艺组织生产各系列旋耕机配套刀片,并对来图的非标准件作专门设计制作,不断满足市场新的需求,我们的产品已经通过国家农业部机械质量检测中心的检测并取得农业机械推广许可证书。我们的产品主要供给配套主机厂和各类农业机械经营公司,部分产品已销往东南亚地区。深受广大用户的信赖和支持。 我们的宗旨是:的质量、快捷的速度、合理的价格、向客户提供满意的产品和服务。 FuNing ChengBei rotary colter factory is located in north FuNing ChengBei industrial zone, YanCheng.It is close to the east coast highway and near the 204 national highway .For more than 30 years ,we have been engaged in agricultural machinery rearch and development of supporting tools. International quality is based on advanced technology using, international peer organizations of production standard for the various series of rotary colter. We also map special designs for non-standand parts, and constantly meet new market demands. Our products have passed the national quality inspection center of agricultural machinery to detect and assess to agricultural machinery exetension license.Our products mainly support the supply of OEM and all kinds of argricultural machinery operators. Some products have been export to southeast Asia and are well received and supported by the users. Our aim is: fist-class quality, fast speed,reasonable price,and to provide customers with the most satisfactory products and services.


    企业名称: 阜宁县城北新建旋耕刀厂
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 江苏城北工业区胜利路底
    企业电话: 0515-87218926
    企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
    经营范围: 旋耕刀,旋耕机配件,农机配件,
    注册年份: 2000