
阅读:0 页面更新时间:2017-11-28 01:20
本公司主要经营:生物质燃料锅炉、各种常规锅炉及配件。 杭州明禾新能源工程有限公司(以下简称:明禾公司)是一家经营可再生能源(生物质燃料)及燃油、燃气、电加热锅炉及辅机设备开发与销售、清洁能源技术设备开发的企业。 Hangzhou Minghe New Energy Engineering Co., Ltd. is developed to be an enterprise specialized in producing regenerative energy boiler(bio-energy boiler),oil (gas) fired boiler, and electric boiler, and in developing and distributing Auxiliary Equipment and clean energy technique equipment. 在新世纪中,本公司已确定将能源与环境工程作为企业发展的方向,以“明禾”作为企业的品牌,大力引进各类人才,通过与国内各高等院校等科研机构的技术合作,借鉴国内外的先进经验,充分发挥自身优势,现已开发出“明禾”牌生物质燃料锅炉、燃油(气)锅炉、真空炉、燃煤锅炉、电锅炉、余热锅炉、导热油锅炉、水煤浆锅炉、环保垃圾焚烧炉等十余个系列、百余种规格产品,且可根据用户要求量身定做各类特种锅炉。明禾公司将引领锅炉发展的新趋势,进一步体现环保节能的发展理念。 In the new century, the Company has identified energy and environment engineering as its business development direction and “Minghe” as the enterprise’s brand. So far Minghe has introduced many talents. Through cooperating with the domestic well-known Colleges and Universities and learning from the advanced experiences at homes and abroad, we develop our advantages and have developed tens of series of more than 100 kinds of “Minghe” products, including bio-energy boiler, oil(gas) fired boiler, vacuum boiler, coal fired boiler, electric boiler, waste heat boiler, heat-conducting oil boiler, fluidized coal boiler, and garbage burned boiler, etc. In addition, various boilers can be tailored according to customers’ requirements. Minghe Company will lead the new direction of boiler development and further show new conception of environment protection and energy-saving. 国际标准的管理,先进的技术,一丝不苟的工作态度,是我们为用户负责,为“明禾”品牌添色的基础;追求“零缺陷”的质量目标,急用户所急的服务理念是限度满足用户需求的有力保证;以技术求创新,以信誉求发展,以质量求生存,以服务促品牌,以客户为朋友,是我们追求的经营境界。 五湖之内皆为友,四海之外亦是客,我们将秉承“互惠互利,诚信以待”的原则,欢迎国内外各界朋友与“明禾”携手共创一片天地。


    企业名称: 杭州明禾新能源工程有限公司
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 浙江杭州凤起东路133号
    企业电话: 0571-86968476
    所在地: 浙江/杭州
    企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
    经营范围: 生物质燃料锅炉,生物质颗粒锅炉,木屑锅炉,稻壳锅炉,燃油锅炉,燃气锅炉,电加热锅炉,真空热水机组,燃
    注册年份: 2000