
阅读:3 页面更新时间:2017-11-28 01:07
山东明龙建筑机械有限公司,是国家技术监督局认定的建筑机械定点生产厂家,山东建筑机械协会理事单位,专业塔机生产企业,本公司以人为本,技术力量雄厚,设备精良,制造工艺先进,检测手段科学严谨,使我公司生产的QTG,QTZ系列塔式起重机,SC施工升降机等建筑机械产品,深受广大建筑行业同仁的青睐。今年以来塔机已经开始走出国门,出口份额越来越大,明龙建机热烈欢迎来自各方的朋友,参观考察交流学习! Shandong Minglong Construction Machinery Co., Ltd, an incorporated company restructured based on former Shandong Zhangqiu Crane Factory, is a professional tower crane manufacturer recognized by the Ministry of Construction. It was one of the first enterprises that achieved Production License issued by the Ministry of Construction in 1988 and one of the enterprises that achieved Special Industry Tower Crane Manufacture License issued by State Bureau of Technical Supervision in 2003. In April 2005 it achieved Special Equipment Manufacturing License of People's Republic of China. Over 20 years, it has researched and developed QT25, QTZ25, QTZ31.5, QTZ40, QTZ50, QTZ63, QTZ80, QTZ100 and QTZ125 self-elevating tower crane, WL160 hoisting machine, SCD200/200 construction elevator, JS350, JS500 and JS750 compulsory twin shaft mixer and associated concrete and stabilized soil mixing station with Changsha Institute of Construction Machinery of the Ministry of Construction


    企业名称: 山东明龙建筑机械有限公司
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 山东章丘市城东工业园
    企业电话: 0531-83325106
    所在地: 山东
    企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
    经营范围: 塔机,施工升降机,
    注册年份: 2000