
阅读:33 页面更新时间:2017-11-28 02:01
Hengyuan is located in a well-known city named Yantai, which is famous for its scenic beauty. The transportation is very convenient, close to airport, harbor, railway station and Highway. We are one of the leading professional manufacturers of concrete pump parts in China. Our product range mainly covers wear-resist pump pipes, straight pipes, elbows and bends,reducers,couplings,flanges,rubber hoses, rubber pistons,sealing elements, sponge balls, wear plates ,etc and all of our products have fulfilled the requirements of energy-saving and environment protection. Most of them have reached advanced world levels in quality and performence.We also manufacture many other casting parts according to customer’s drawings and samples. We insist on the principle of “technology innovation and quality first”. Based on so many years of accumulated experience and technical development in this line of business, we sincerely wish to establish a long-term business relationship with you and create a glorious future together. 烟台恒源管件厂是专业生产混凝土耐磨输送管的实业公司。本公司产品了国内空白,是国内达到国际标准的产品:重量轻(40kg/3米),壁厚薄(4mm),输送方量多(2.5—4万方)。我公司研发的水平臂架耐磨管输送方量可高达6万方,是目前国内耐磨的输送管件。近新研发了双层耐磨弯管,输送方量是铸钢弯管的2-3倍。 公司采用德国先进工艺,替代目前国内较普遍使用的高频淬火工艺,解决了高频淬火工艺中因螺旋状受理层而导致的耐磨硬度不均匀,质量不稳定的难题。   公司产品经过处理以后,其耐磨性,抗压性以及使用寿命均达到国际先进水平,真正达到外韧内硬的理想效果。 公司坚持科技创新,诚信经营,追求卓越,共铸辉煌的经营理念,竭诚欢迎同行及各界人士洽谈业务。 公司坚持“科技创新、诚信经营、追求卓越、共铸辉煌”的经营理念,竭诚欢迎同行及各界人士洽谈业务!


    企业名称: 烟台市芝罘区恒源管件厂
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 山东烟台幸福中路178号
    企业电话: 0535-6808335
    所在地: 山东/烟台
    企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
    经营范围: 混凝土耐磨输送直管,弯管,耐磨管,双层弯管,混凝土耐磨臂架管,泵管,清洗球,胶管,密封圈,管卡,S阀
    注册年份: 2000