
阅读:0 页面更新时间:2017-11-27 00:27
  台州富华针织服装有限公司是一家外商投资的综合型生产和出口企业,主要产品为各类中高档针织羊毛衫、T恤、西裤、工作服﹑学生装﹑休闲装、风衣﹑茄克等针织和梭织服装, 1993年成立于中国浙江省台州市区,公司区域优势明显,位于中国沿海发达开放地区,距沪杭甬温高速公路10公里,宁波机 场、港口2小时到达,台州机场、港口10分钟可达。公司占地8000多平方米,厂房4500多平方米。各类服装加工设备300多台套,德国信德乐全电脑双面提花大圆机二台,其它圆机三台,十二针到十八针针织横机120多台,进口电脑横机4台,套口缝合车30多台及缩毛、染整、蒸烫、检品、包装等后整理配套服务和流水线,拥有150多台进口高速平缝机及配套辅助设备20多台。现有一支250多人的技能熟练的生产队伍,一支20多人的技术骨干队伍,年生产及加工各类针织梭织服装120多万件套。我们依靠先进的生产设备,严格科学的管理,精益求精的工艺,生产的各类服装以做工精细著称, “富艺”牌羊毛衫获得中国保护消费者基金会推荐产品称号。我们的经营原则是以诚守信。现从事针织服装及休闲服饰数百种款式的定牌加工, 产品主要出口日本、香港、欧美等几十个国家和地区。我们以一般贸易、来料加工等多种贸易方式承接世界各地客商的定单。承诺交货及时,做工精细,并提供优质满意的服务。
    TAIZHOU FUHUA KNITTING CLOTHING CO.,LTD. is a multiple enterprise for production and export whichis invested by a foreign company. Its main products are all kinds of woolen sweaters ,T-shirts, trousers, dust coat , work clothes , uniform for students , casua l clothes, jackets of moderate and superior quality. The company was set up in 1993 in Taizhou City Zhejiang Province China. Located in the developed coastal area of China , it is only 10km from Huhang Freeway and Yongtaiwen Freeway.
    It only takes two hours to get to Ningbo Airport or Ningbo Port and it’s ten minutes drive to Taizhou Airport or Haimen Port in Taizhou. The company covers an area of 8000 square metres. The area of building is 4500 square metres . It has more than 300 sets of equipment for processing clothes , including TERROT computer-generated knitting machine imported from Germany. The company enjoys over 250 skilled workers and more than 30 mainstays. It can produce about 1,500,000 sets of clothes a year. The company is well-known for its advanced production facilities , strict and scientific management and constantly improved technology. All the clothes produced by the company are of excellent workmanship. Fuyi Woolen Sweater is recommended by Chinese Consumer-protecting Fund. Honesty is the principle of our business. At present, we mainly process hundreds of kinds of knitting clothes and casual wears. The products are exported to Japan, Hong Kong , European and American countries. We accept orders from customers from all over the world in various ways , such as common trade , cloth-processing , etc. We promise to deliver the products of excellent workmanship in time . We’ll offer satisfactory service.


    企业名称: 台州富华针织服装有限公司
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 浙江台州市路桥区横街工业区
    企业电话: 0576-2646378 013806573301 2652788
    所在地: 浙江/台州
    企业类型: 企业单位 (制造商,贸易网)
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
    经营范围: 各类中高档针织羊毛衫,T恤,西裤,工作服﹑学生装﹑休闲装,风衣﹑茄克等针织和梭织服装,16层棉纱质口罩,
    注册年份: 2000