
阅读:4 页面更新时间:2017-11-28 00:49
本公司位于黄海之滨,大连市北部,与东北小桂林冰峪旅游区隔河相望。公司是专门设计、制造橡胶塑料机械设备的单位,具有雄厚的技术力量和机械加工能力,本公司的前身是沈阳橡胶机械厂庄河分厂,是庄河地区生产橡胶机械早的企业,建厂历史悠久。多年来被辽宁省评为“先进企业”和“重合同守信用”“质量信得过企业”等荣誉称号,并通过ISO9001:2000质量体系认证,本公司生产的橡胶机械有70多个品种和规格,畅销全国各地,并出口东南来和东欧各国,受到用户的和好评,并在同行业中享有很高的信誉。 本公司的宗旨:“重质量、讲信誉、用户至上”,并实行三包,代办托运,免费调试,竭诚为国内外广大用户提供优质的产品和的服务,欢迎用户朋友们来本公司洽谈,开拓进取,共同发展,打造企业。 Our company lives in the seashore of Yellow Sea,in the north of Dalian,near the Bing Yu Touristry Atrraction named as 'Dongbei xiao Guilin '.Our company is a professional work of design and manufacture rubber and plastics machine,with powerful technology and machine work Zhuanghe Branch, which was the first rubber machine work in Zhuanghe. Since then, we have get much honourable reputation from Liaoning and local overvment,such as 'Advanced Enterprise','Reputation Unit','Quarlity Euterprise'.Gain ISO9001:2000 Certificate Our rubber machine have more than 70 series and models,sold well all around nation,and exported to South-East Asia and East Europe.Everywhere we are praised by our customer, and well-known among this industry. The company pure is 'Quarlity Reputation,Customer No.1' We will try our best to serve every national and foreign customer with quarlity product and excellent service. Welcome to our company,and develop advanced business together.


    企业名称: 大连天启橡胶机械有限公司
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 辽宁塔岭镇工业园20号
    企业电话: 0411-89360210
    所在地: 辽宁/大连
    企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
    经营范围: 橡胶机械,
    注册年份: 2000