
阅读:3 页面更新时间:2017-11-23 01:31
生产出口:绞肉机,研磨机,玉米脱粒机,刨冰机,碳(炭}熨斗,灌肠机,榨汁机果汁机,手摇油泵,瓦棱钉 ,圆钉,分钉,鞋钉,桌虎钳,紧绳器,步步紧,麻袋包针,锤子,斧子,手摇钻,手摇砂轮架 ,钢叉,钢镐,铁锹,等食品机械,五金工农具产品。质优价廉,长年出口畅销欧美[如美国沃尔玛],出口率为99.9%,其中绞肉机月产量10*20”GP,年出口100万台绞肉机
1.绞肉机: 家用,小型,大型手摇,手动,手电两用铸铁喷银漆、电镀锡、及不锈钢等系列绞肉机[表面处理],按型号有5#.7#.8#.10#.12#.22#.32#.42#.52#.和62#绞肉机,该机 同时配有灌肠管.多规格刀片和面食器等配件,真正能够做到一机多用,被广泛应用于厨房.粲馆及食品加工厂的面食和肉食的加工,具有体积小重量轻操作灵活清洗简易效率高等 特点可绞制粗细肉馅肉丁菜馅等,可另配件有肠管面食刀铸钢或不锈铁十字刀圆刀片,推进轴。 塑料或橡胶垫片,该机广泛适用于家庭厨房及肉食加工点,主供出口。
2.手摇研磨机玉米机:有500#、150#高料斗低料斗系列。磨玉米咖啡豆子花生。粉粒状。手摇手电两用玉米脱粒机,脱粒玉米。研磨机将豆类,玉米等坚果类食物磨碎,以利于快 速煮熟,吸收。果汁机可将蔬菜水果等榨汁。500#含低斗高37cm,长45cm厚15cm 。150# 不含斗高30cm,长30.5cm厚 15cm, 带高斗高43.5cm 。 高斗高14.2-14.4cm,料斗 高14.5CM,料斗直径13.2cm/9.2cm,外径12.7cm,内径12.5cm, 重0.32kg 。低斗高6.2cm, 外径12.7cm,内径12.5cm, 重0.12kg 均含 垫片 护罩 ,5层内盒
3.灌肠机、果汁[榨汁]机、汉堡机有电镀锡、不锈钢系列。灌肠机用于灌香肠,麦苗榨汁机,蔬菜机, 搅拌机/果汁机/榨汁机/果蔬机/果蔬料理机 /榨汁器/手动压榨机榨汁机 果汁机蔬菜机用于水果蔬菜榨汁适用于榨取番茄、猕猴桃、生姜、菠萝、苹果等多汁水果及蔬菜的汁液 商用榨汁机系**绿色饮品的生产机器,该机所榨出的汁液是现榨的纯原 汁,它的一大特点是:果汁中不含任何人为的防腐剂、稳定剂、色素、香精、水等,与市场上现有的浓缩汁、罐装、瓶装、软包装 、粉装和颗粒状冲水式果汁有本质的不同。是纯 **水果蔬菜汁,浓度**大,人体**吸收 4.刨冰机有手摇整装、散装系列,手电两用系列刨冰机 ,刨冰机冷饮店用刨冰花 [铜盘贵,不锈钢盘、铸铁镀铜盘偏宜 ]有三种[欧英普通]插头 。
5.炭熨斗,碳熨斗有752#,751#,701#,753#,707#,2.1kg,2.3kg,2.5kg 抛光电镀等系列 。 手机飞信: 15065981538
Tel/Fax: 0539- 8123498 QQ:1034996915或3111308@163.com
E-mail: hl-machinery@163.com 或15065981538@163.com

YAHOO: hardwaremachinery@yahoo.com.cn
Google Talk:3111308@gmail.com
Our company mainly manufacture: meat mincer,ice shaving machine,juicer ,CORN THRESHER,GRAIN MILL OR CORN GRINDER,noodle machine ,apple peeler,orange peeler,sausage stuffer machine,hamburger machine, charcoal iron,hand-operated oil pump,hand drill, hand operated grinder wheel frame,hammer,axe,shovel,SCRAPER bricklayer,steel pick,steel fork,shoe tack,common nail,roofing nail,packing needle,hand sewing needle ,screw, safety pin etc .Meat mincer manufacture 10*20gp/one month ,Export to America,[such as: walmarket ]South American, Japan,Germany, Southeast Asia HongKong,Africa,Mid East,Russian,Poland, French,and other place .

1.Meat mincer include hand operated and hand&motro operated ,electro plate tin meat mincer,fire plate meat mincer, sliver paint meat mincer, stainless steel meat mincer, ther are #5,#8,#10,#12,#22,#32,#42 ETC
2.Corn machine ,GRAIN MILL,grinder/muller: include:500# ,150# high hopper &low hopper,150# etc.
3.Saussage stuffer machine,Juice machine :material:cast iron &staliness, tined-plate.
4.Charcoal iron :752#,751#,701#,753#,707# etc,2.1KG 2.3kg,2.5kg,2.7kg ...... BUT NO soncap
5.Ice shaving machine :hand-operated there are in complete packing &in bulk packing ,hand&motro operated[PLATE HAVE BRASS PLATE ,AND BRASS-PLATED PLATEETC]
6.Shoe tack: 1/2",5/8",3/4", 1"
7.Hand operated oil pump :HS-25MM, 25MM,32MM Tel/Fax: 0539- 3111308
E-mail: hl-machinery@163.com
YAHOO: hardwaremachinery@yahoo.com.cn
Google Talk:3111308@gmail.com
http://www.metaltools.net 5#-32# Hand-Operated Meat Mincers
Employing advanced tin-plating technology ,the 5#-32# hand-operated meat mincers are distinguished for their beautiful shape ,bright and smooth surface ,and simple and rational structure ,handy to use ,they are suitable for use in homes ,canteens and restaurants in processing various kinds of minced meat and fruit jam easily dismantled for cleaning ,the meat mincers meet food hygiene requirements.

2.Using procedure:
Use hot water to clean the mincer parts and wipe dry assemble the parts together according to diagram instructions and then affix it on a board .
Adjust the screw ring ,place the cutter and grinder parallel in a grinding ition ,and ensure that the handle can be operated easily.
Clean the meat ,remove the skin and bones and cut into strips , put the meat strips into the feeder and then run the handle for mincing .

3.Maintenance :
Wash the mincer every time after use and wipe dry coat it with a few drops of edible oil to prevent rusting .

Meat Mincer ,Meat grinder ,meat chopper, mincing machine,mangler
1) Surface: tin electro-plated, hot tin and silver painting
2) Material: cast iron, stainless steel or aluminium
3) hand operated, and table mounted
4) Model 5#8#10#12#22#32#42#
5) Accessory: blade and cross knife of different diameters for different models


    企业名称: 山东临沂恒昌机械制造厂
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 103;;Jiefang;;road
    企业电话: 0539-8123498
    所在地: 山东/临沂
    企业类型: 企业单位 ()
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
    经营范围: 生产出口:绞肉机,研磨机,玉米脱粒机,刨冰机,碳(炭}熨斗,灌肠机,榨汁机果汁机,手摇油泵,瓦棱钉,,圆钉,分钉,鞋钉,安全别针,麻袋包针
    注册年份: 2000