
阅读:0 页面更新时间:2017-11-26 19:41
  We are a U.S. based laboratory with over 700 staff members, with two offices located in Shanghai and Shenzhen. STR has offices and laboratories in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. This worldwide scope means that we are uniquely situated to help you effectively manufacture and source toys and toy components from one or several different countries.
    STR is also proficient at designing cost-effective testing programmers that merge government and industry standards with your product goals. At your request, our staff of highly trained engineers and technicians will put together a system to meet your specific requirements. Upon approval, this same design team will be responsible for the timely and efficient implementation of your program, and for the speedy reporting and explanation of results. All of our programmers are further backed by our highly responsive client support system, a comprehensive network that is unequaled in the business.
    What we promise and deliver are competitive prices, comprehensive client support, both during and long after a program's conclusion, and attention to detail. At STR, we are committed to meeting all of your testing and quality assurance needs in a timely and professional manner.


    企业名称: 上海胜邦质量检测有限公司深圳分公司
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 深圳市南山区科技园科技南六路29号
    企业电话: 0755-26743744
    所在地: 上海
    企业类型: 企业单位 (制造商,贸易网)
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
    经营范围: 检测服务
    注册年份: 2000