
阅读:0 页面更新时间:2017-11-26 21:10
    Twenty years ago, Lucky Flower Holdings (Asia) Ltd. was born in HongKong. From that moment, Lucky Flower response to develope Chinese manufacture. He works hard, and perfect his technology in Zhong Luo Tan Industry Zone, guangzhou. He lead all his company goes to Shanghai twice, penetrating his products from industry products to household packaging and office products manufacturing. He radiates his products from normal one to special one. He keeps destroying the international monopoly, dare to challenge the industry authority. It come to be a shining star in the world adhesive label industry.
     Nowadays, Lucky Flower Holdings cherish his brilliance enterprise. As a private enterprise, Lucky Flower Holdings knows the world is very big. He keeps constructing green and environmental protected producing environment for satisfing his customers' requirement. He keeps improving employees' living condition for handreds of his workers. In order to uplift the banner "made in China", he believes in science, respects human resource, keeps innovating, exceeds himself and international monopoly.
     Lucky Flower Holdings is very lucky. Our country's peaceful condition and economical flourish offer great beliefs to us. The coming 2008 Beijing Olympic games, 2010 Shanghai World Expo. and 2010 Asia Athletic Meeting all show the strong synthesized strength. Lucky Flower Holdings would grasp every opportunity, face and span every challenge, become a enterprise who response for society and customers.
     Lucky Flower Holdings sincerely welcome people who have lofty ideals to participate. And Keep spreading "Made in China" to every corner of the world.


    企业名称: 乐开花集团(亚洲)有限公司
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 广州市越秀区广园西路121号美博城二层67B
    企业电话: 020-61149548
    所在地: 广东/广州
    企业类型: 企业单位 (制造商,贸易网)
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
    经营范围: 包装印刷各类彩盒,礼品盒,画册,不干胶贴,精美手袋,无纺布袋,植绒袋,pp/pvc袋,手袋
    注册年份: 1996