
阅读:1 页面更新时间:2017-11-26 22:02
上海九港纸箱机械有限公司是专业生产“九龙牌”成套纸箱机械设备的厂家,公司坐落于上海市金山区A4、A5、A6、A30高速公路出口处。 随着包装工业的蓬勃发展,九港公司将以高品质、高效益为目标,以客户用得满意为宗旨,不断优化完善,推陈出新,竭诚为广大纸箱生产企业提供更出色的专业产品和服务。
本公司产品主要有:全自动高速印刷开槽模切机、大滚筒水性印刷开槽机、精品型半自动糊箱机、半自动轮转开槽机、四联开槽切角机、高速分纸压线机、园压平模切机等成套纸箱设备。 诚实守信是公司永恒的主题 互惠互利是合作的基础 优质服务是永远不变的宗旨 勇攀高峰是崭新的辉煌 我们愿与广大客户携手共进,共创辉煌.

Shanghai jiugang Carton Machine Co.,LTD is one of the leading manufactures in china specialized in complere canon machine.Our company is located in A4、A5、A6、A30 speedway exit of jinshang area in shanghai. With the developing of packing industriai.Our company make the aim of high quality and high benefits.the tenet of our company is satisned with each of our customers.We will improve our technique support,advanced equipments,complete inspection measures and competent management.
  Our main products include:Automatic High Speed Printing Slotting Die Cutting machine,Rotary Fiexo Printer&Slotter machine,Semi-Auto Gluer machine,Semi-Auto Rotary Slotting Angle Cutter machine,Four link slotting,High Speed Slitting Scorer,Level Pless Scorer and Cutter machine etc. 
  The subjest of our company is honest and faithful.We keep providing you with the best products at favourable price,and best after service.Any of you request is welcomed and will reserve our best attention,Let’s work hand in hand and make a good funnre.
○ with high quality to win maket 
○ with honest service to gain credit and reputation
○ with innovation to seek development
○ with satisfied clients to reflect value 
○ with own competitive advantage to make brand


    企业名称: 上海九港纸箱机械有限公司
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 上海市金山区山阳镇九港路44号
    企业电话: 021-57241083
    所在地: 上海
    企业类型: 企业单位 (制造商)
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
    经营范围: 纸箱机械,开槽模切机,印刷开槽机,水性印刷机,切角机,压痕机,钉箱机,压线机,圆压滚筒模切机,水性印刷开槽机,纸箱设备,九港纸箱机械
    注册年份: 2000
    销售产品: 纸箱机械,开槽模切机,印刷开槽机,水性印刷机,切角机,压痕机,钉箱机,压线机,圆压滚筒模切机,水性印刷开槽机,纸箱设备,九港纸箱机械