
阅读:2 页面更新时间:2017-11-26 20:13
本公司专业从事钟表、珠宝首饰、礼品等包装盒的制造和经营。1991年于深圳设立工厂,利用现代化的管理和内地的有利条件,已成立有“好景包装制品(深圳)有限公司”专业制造工厂以及“骏盈木盒厂有限公司”。现公司面积超过5000平方米,拥有多名专业从事包装盒开发和设计的工程师,以及一批庞大技术、操作娴熟的包装盒生产制作队伍。 “降低成本,创新求实,讲究信誉,服务周到”这是公司宗旨,努力做到让每个客户满意是公司终的目标。公司主要致力于中、高档包装盒的设计和制造。产品主要以各式精美的包装纸或皮料等结合胶盒、咭纸盒、木盒等材料,设计和制造出适合各式高级钟表、珠宝首饰、礼品、化妆品、五金成品以及于各种名贵收藏物等产品的包装盒。 本公司产品在材料选用和结构构造上都具有独特新颖、美观大方、流行时尚等特点。另可根据客户的要求,设计出多种适合于客户意愿的产品供选择。本公司同时也对客户自行设计的款式进行加工或改进等等,努力做到让客户称心如意。 欢迎世界各地的客户与我们联系,我们会以全诚的服务与你合作! Over 160 clients in Europe and the US choose us Goodview Packaging Products (S.Z.) Co. Ltd has been engaged in producing packaging products since 1991. Our catalog includes watch boxes, jewelry boxes, gift boxes and more, with selectable materials of wrapping paper, leather, plastic and wood. Over 160 clients in Europe and the US have sourced from us, such as Folli Follie and Q&Q. Our annual sales topped $4 million in 2007, a 20 percent increase from the previous year. Release 10 new products monthly To refresh your selections, we release 10 new products each month. Our five designers, each with over seven years of experience in this field, can also customize a new item for you according to your requirements. Backed by our eight mold-making staff, we will prepare a sample for you in just two to five days. Producing 500,000 boxes monthly We own two factories that cover a total of 7,000 square meters - one for plastic and cardboard boxes and the other for wooden boxes. Over 500 skilled workers operate 12 production lines to fill your volume orders, producing 500,000 boxes every month. To ensure the consistency of our product quality, we source materials from our stable suppliers that have worked with us for 16 years. Join our long list of satisfied clients in sourcing from us. Call, fax or e-mail us today.


    企业名称: 好景包装制品(深圳)有限公司
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 深圳市宝安区公明镇长圳村长富路10号
    企业电话: 0755-27180976
    所在地: 广东/深圳
    企业类型: 企业单位 (制造商)
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
    经营范围: 珠宝盒,礼品盒,首饰盒,手表盒,展台,
    注册年份: 2000
    销售产品: 珠宝盒,礼品盒,首饰盒,手表盒,展台,