
阅读:7 页面更新时间:2017-11-23 02:44
深圳市博芳集团有限公司(下称博芳集团)于1996年8月成立,现下属公司有:1,深圳市博芳食品有限公司,2,深圳市健芳化妆品投资有限公司,,3,深圳市北大软银投资管理有限公司 博芳食品公司主营高正牌茶籽油系列产品、多喜牌、红荔牌茶籽油(深圳品牌)、高正茶籽油系列产品、三源冷榨花生油、贵州优质有机大米、新疆有机牛奶等产品的销售业务。 深圳市北大软银投资管理有限公司主要从事投融资管理业务,现在从事天使投资项目8个。
创业是艰苦的,生活是甜的,先苦后甜,甜上加甜。展望未来,博芳集团的明天会更美好!公司热诚期望广大客户光临我司洽谈合作指导。联系人:汪先生、徐先生、黄小姐 公司创始人简介:汪先生,本科毕业于安徽大学经济系,获经济学学士学位;后获得上海财经大学大学工商管理硕士研究生,2013年毕业于北京大学EMBA总裁班。汪先生早年调干到招商局蛇口工业区,之后分别在富士康集团,美国UPS公司,英国EXEL,中国海运集团、中国远洋以及比利时爱克发集团从事高级管理工作。现为深圳市博芳集团有限公司董事长,以及深圳市北大软银慈善基金理事会会副理事长,深圳市龙华新区人力资源协会人才交流分会副会长。
Shenzhen Bofang Food Co., Ltd. (abbr. Bofang Company) is founded on Apr. 29, 2009. She is a food company. she is the agent of Shenzhen Cereals Group Co., Ltd, Henan Sanyuan Grains and Oils Co., Ltd. Yangshan Tongtai Food Oil Co. Ltd. Hetian of Xinjiang Agriculture Development Co. Ltd. ang Guizhou Jinchen Agriculture Development Co. Ltd. in South China. We still roast and process the original coffee bean, and we provide the sub-package service of the bulk tea and the sugar. Our company is also selling the red tea of Sri Lanka in China and we are the business agent of a tea company in Sri Lanka, our company also imports original coffee bean and tea separately from Brazil, Indian, Indonesian, Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda, to sell to the Chinese market. Now, we sell Sanyuan peanut oil, Duoxi Camellia Oil & gain(Shenzhen famous brand) and we also promote Royal jujube and nut of Hetian, Xinjiang province into all the supermarkets in Shenzhen, Such as Rainbow, Wolmart, Sam's club and Carrefour.
Our company has the license of the food flow which Market Supervision Administration of Shenzhen authorizes. With its expansion for many years, we has already sold our products into a whole country currently in South China. The corporate culture is: People oriented, God helps those who work hard, think of adversity when in prosperity, strive for perfection


    企业名称: 深圳市博芳食品有限公司
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 广东省深圳市南山区向南路天安南油工业区1座607室
    企业电话: 497974549
    所在地: 广东/深圳
    企业类型: 企业单位 ()
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
    经营范围: 高正茶籽油华南区代理,三源花生油,三源冷榨花生油,三源礼品花生油,红茶,咖啡
    注册年份: 2000