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  广州德信袜业有限公司成立于2000年3月,经过10年的高速成长,经营实力雄厚,规模不断壮大,现已由原来的单一贸易公司成长为一家集运动袜款式研发、生产,销售一条龙的中型运动袜专业生产企业。公司主导品牌“vike”已在马来西来袜业市场中享有一定声誉。公司全资属下工厂位于广东袜子名镇南海里水镇,拥有各类进口国产大电脑织袜机20多台,产品主要以纯棉中高档大电脑袜品生产为主,日产各类袜子超5000双,能代客加工各类144针、168针、200针等中高档纯棉运动袜。本司在国内有大量长期稳定的合作伙伴、订单充足,产品除供应国内市场外,还批量出口至中东、东南亚、非洲等国家。本着全新的理念不断适应客户的需求,现产品设计层次更加广泛,适合多个年龄层客户的要求。款式新颖,时尚,赶在国际的时尚潮流之中。 socks co., ltd. in guangzhou was established in germany and the letter in march 2003, after 6 years of rapid growth, management strength, size has grown from a single trading company has now grown into a style of sports socks r & d, production and sales of a long medium-sized enterprise specialized in producing sports socks. the leading brand "vike" socks in the market in malaysia to enjoy a certain reputation. , a wholly owned factories in guangdong socks under the sea, town name town, with all kinds of imported and domestic hosiery more than 20 major computer products mainly cotton socks in the production of high-grade large computer-based, nissan all kinds of socks ultra 5000 pairs, can process all kinds of valet 144-pin, 168 pin, 200 pin, and other high-grade cotton socks. the division has a large number of long-term stability in the domestic partner, order enough products in addition to supplying the domestic market but also exported to the middle east, southeast asia, africa and other countries. constantly adapt to new concepts in line with customer demand, is more extensive level of product design, suitable for multiple age customer requirements. fashionable, stylish, driven into the international fashion trend.
    [主营] 研发生产销售各类袜子,运动袜,休闲袜,时装袜,童袜,羊毛袜,学生袜,足球袜,卡通袜,地板袜 r & d production and sales all kinds of socks, sports socks, casual socks, fashion socks, child socks, wool socks, student socks, football socks, cartoon socks, floor socks


    企业名称: 腾达织造袜厂
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 佛山南海里水沙涌沙步工业区横二路1号
    企业电话: 15018479024
    所在地: 广东/佛山
    企业类型: 企业单位 (制造商,贸易网)
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
    经营范围: 棉袜,运动袜,休闲袜,足球袜,时尚袜,卡通袜,商务袜,皮鞋袜,地板袜,羊毛袜,丝光袜,木代尔棉袜
    注册年份: 2000