
阅读:0 页面更新时间:2017-11-26 22:26
AMMEN CHEMICALS & INKS SUPPLY PTE LTD, committed to the development of the four industries, "AMMIN" printing supplies, "AMMEN" chemical additives, "AMMEN" surface treatment raw materials, "AMMON" lubricants. He widely services in many fields, the packaging and printing industries, the production of paint and ink , electroplating industry, machinery manufacturing and transmission industries. From the moment being founded, the company is always holding his belief of client-orientation, being honest and faithful and seeking for greater perfection. He makes tireless efforts on an aim to integrate different channels of resources and to promote the development of this industry, so as to form a corporate culture including the factors as follows: a fundamental principle of good faith, a promptly response, a quality guarantee and a none time-limit communication. During the development process, the company has gained clients’ trust widely, based on his excellent professional ethics, the first-class commercial standing, high qualified products, perfect dispatching services and professional technical support. Looking into the future, we expect to work closely with both our clients and our colleagues in order to obtain more accomplishments. 艾门(AMMEN)化学油墨私人有限公司,致力于发展四项产业:“AMMIN”印刷耗材;“AMMEN”化学添加剂;“AMMEN”表面处理原料;“AMMON”润滑油脂。广泛服务于包装印刷工业、涂料油墨生产工业、表面处理工业、机械制造传动工业等。 公司自创立以来,一直秉承“客户中心、诚实守信、精益求精”的理念,并就“整合渠道资源,促进行业发展”的方向不懈努力,而形成“诚信为本、及时响应、确保质量、时刻交流”的企业文化。     公司发展过程中,以优良的职业道德、的商业信誉、高质量的产品、完善的配送服务、专业的技术支持,赢得了广大客户朋友的信赖、。 公司展望未来,期待同广大客户及业界同仁携手共进,共享成功!


    企业名称: 艾门化学油墨有限公司东莞部
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 广东省东莞市凤岗镇小布工业区
    企业电话: 0769-87777770
    所在地: 广东/东莞
    企业类型: 企业单位 (制造商)
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
    经营范围: AMMIN印刷耗材,AMMEN化学添加剂,AMMEN表面处理原料,AMMEN润滑油,硬化塑料油墨,IMD特种油墨,金属玻璃油墨,UV面电镀面油墨,耐磨耐高温水性光油,防伪水印油墨,耐酸抗碱保护漆,氧化蚀刻保护漆
    注册年份: 2000
    销售产品: AMMIN印刷耗材,AMMEN化学添加剂,AMMEN表面处理原料,AMMEN润滑油,硬化塑料油墨,IMD特种油墨,金属玻璃油墨,UV面电镀面油墨,耐磨耐高温水性光油,防伪水印油墨,耐酸抗碱保护漆,氧化蚀刻保护漆