
阅读:0 页面更新时间:2017-11-19 02:55
桂林市金同声电器有限公司属于高新区企业,是一家自主研创及生产制造电动汽车快速加电站、电动巴士(大巴、客车、的士)快速加电站、加电枪、电动汽车电器组合总成(充电器、转换器、控制器)、蓄电池放电检测仪的企业。公司坐落于桂林市七星区穿山东路9号。        公司荣获“中国绿色低碳创新企业”荣誉,是中国工业合作协会的会员。产品荣获“国家质量监督检测合格——全国质量信得过产品”荣誉。产品已通过ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证。公司“以质量求生存”,产品进入市场后,受到消费者的一致好评,充分得到市场的。
       Guilin Jin Tong Sheng Electric Company, which belongs to the Hi-Tech Development Zone Enterprise, researches and creates the Electric Car Home Fast Charging Station, the Electric Bus Fast Charging Station, the Electric Taxi Fast Charging Station, the Charging Gun,Electric Vehicle Electric Combination Assembly(Charger, Converter, Controller), Battery Testing Device. The company is located in No. 9 Chuan Shan East Road, Qixing District, Guilin, Guangxi, China.
       The company was awarded the "China Green Low Carbon Innovation Enterprise" honor. It is a member of China Industrial Cooperation Association. The products won "the National Quality Supervision Inspection Qualified -- The National Quality Trustworthy Products" honor. The products have passed the ISO9001:2008 Quality Management System Certification. We insist on "the quality of survival". After the products enter the market, customers approbate and praise.


    企业名称: 桂林市金同声电器有限公司
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 桂林市穿山东路9号
    企业电话: 0773-2236016
    所在地: 广西/桂林
    企业类型: 企业单位 ()
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
    注册年份: 2000