
阅读:1 页面更新时间:2017-11-18 15:16
上海泽谷国际拍卖有限公司是依法成立的专业古玩古董收购鉴定机构,公司利用其在国内外设立的分支机构开展业务活动,拥有固定的国内外客户和市场,并利用高效的媒体手段实时向国内外发布藏品交易信息.上海瑞易宝行拍卖有限公司以高端的交易方式、敬业的服务精神、信誉的藏品运作,跻身于国内外较具竞争力的古玩古董公司行列. 泽谷国际拍卖际艺术品投资有限公司    泽谷国际拍卖有限公司拥有专业的科学鉴定仪器,稳定的优质买家,专业快速的交易平台.公司本着"公正、诚信"为原则,以科学仪器鉴定为依托,以良好买家资源为保障,以高效快捷交易为目标,创造了专业、快捷的古玩艺术品交易平台.  风险小、升值快、格调高,艺术品投资以其独特的魅力越来越为人们所注目.正如一位艺术品投资者所言:"做这买卖很轻松,没压力,欣赏,买卖第二,受人尊重,还引起不少人的羡慕."可观的经济效益和高雅的情调,使得艺术品投资具有其他投资工具难以比拟的优势.   我们的团队 使命感    传承和发扬中华历史文明,去伪存真,切身为客户着想,勇于做出正义的评判.顾全大局,与团队荣辱与共.     激情       每一位员工对待工作和生活热情洋溢,按照目标完成任务,自信并勇于突破自我,突破思维瓶颈,切实把每一位客户的需要做到实处.  我们的服务承诺     泽谷国际拍卖有限公司愿为世界各地藏友提供优质、高效的服务,保证所有的交易活动都以诚信为先,我们愿随时接受广大藏友对我公司交易过程的监督和检查,有关的合作方式等问题均可进行了解  ,我们希望可以与社会各界藏家朋友共同合作,上海瑞易宝行有限公司将以良好的公司背景和各种经营资质,给予较高的诚信度、行业信誉和经营业绩的.相信上海泽谷国际有限公司将是各界藏家朋友可信任的合作者                                                                                                                                                                                     The company's pure and corporate culture: to serve the customer as the center, to the concept of innovation as the guide to the strategic innovation as the basis, to organize innovation as a guarantee to market innovation as the goal, along with the company from scratch, from small to large, from Big to strong, from Shenzhen to China, from China to the world, establish their own corporate culture.       Corporate mission: heritage of Chinese civilization, promote the oriental culture.       Industry characteristics: service industry, promote competition, reflect the value of goods to help customers get the most benefits.       Company philosophy: to provide quality customer service, tailored for the customer's collection of suitable way to shoot.       Company goals: long-term stable development, as Shenzhen and the national auction industry leader.       (Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau CITIC, Taiwan), domestic exhibition (Shenzhen Fair, Guangzhou Arts Fair, Macau CITIC Exhibition), high-end recommendation and domestic preview. Companies adhere to the "honesty, credit" for the development of the "hard work, pragmatic and efficient" business philosophy, in the "open, fair and just" principle, standardize the development and legitimate business.     The company has a world-class artifacts art appraisal experts to form a professional team to ensure that the quality of the auction and the order of the auction. Designed to build the world's top auction service agencies. Donghong Auction (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. will be full of enthusiasm, rich experience in the planning and operation of the auction and a huge customer resources, and strive to build a hundred years of self-brand, to promote the exchange of ancient and modern art and transactions. For the collection of domestic and foreign collectors and groups to provide a smooth flow, make the best use of high-level, high-quality cultural exchange space.


    企业名称: 上海泽谷国际艺术品拍卖
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 上海市静安区恒丰路329号
    企业电话: 15001932495
    所在地: 上海
    企业类型: 企业单位 ()
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
    注册年份: 2000