
阅读:7 页面更新时间:2017-11-26 21:17
聚天包装材料有限公司,采用先进的成型技术和玻璃配方,优质的模具,配以先进的生产设备和 科管理方法,迎合各商家包装要求。 生产特点:批量均可、多品种、多色料、高档次,如喷色、抛光、烫金烫银、多色高温丝印、朦胧礞砂以适应当前客户产品开发的要求,公司有指定生产高档电化铝及喷泵的生产厂家,给予优质的配套服务。公司以“质量取胜、信誉为本、服务到家”为企业宗旨。满意客户各方需求为目的,以求共同合作,顺利发展。 Mlicen factory with glass uses molding technology and directions for producing glass. Our mould had high quality, our factory use the adva- nced product line and the scientific management, to meet each com- pany`s request of packing, the product characteristic is that little batch, all kinds of varietis and colourful material, and high quality.To fit the client` request about the empolder of the production, we can do lots of things such as sprinkle colour, polishing bronzing and silver, colourful and high temperature silk-screen, we designate the product company which can product high baddish electrical aluminum and sprinkle pump to give you the excellent equipment services, our tenet is: quality do success, credit standing first, and service to your home;.our aim is to meet client`s request in many side,to cooperate together and develop favoring.


    企业名称: 成都市聚天包装材料有限责任公司
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 成都市大田坎162号
    企业电话: 028--84422385
    所在地: 四川/成都
    企业类型: 企业单位 (制造商)
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
    经营范围: 化妆品包装瓶,化妆品外包装,化妆品玻璃瓶,化妆品塑料瓶,化妆品瓶,化妆品膏霜瓶,化妆品包装,工艺玻璃瓶,化妆品玻璃瓶厂,精油瓶,
    注册年份: 2000
    销售产品: 化妆品包装瓶,化妆品外包装,化妆品玻璃瓶,化妆品塑料瓶,化妆品瓶,化妆品膏霜瓶,化妆品包装,工艺玻璃瓶,化妆品玻璃瓶厂,精油瓶,