
阅读:16 页面更新时间:2017-11-23 01:51
上海芳缘**香料有限公司常年供应苦水玫瑰精油、沙棘果油、熏衣草干花、玫瑰干花蕾、紫苏籽油、南瓜籽油等**精油和原料 上海芳缘**香料有限公司是甘肃特产**香料在上海的销售处。甘肃地处祖国的西部山区,有着广袤的土地和丰富的资源,是甘肃祖国西部**的香料库。甘肃苦水玫瑰享誉世界,其玫瑰系列产品热销海内外;陇南的当归、艾叶、黄蒿、/甘草,金银花,油橄榄等的种植和加工已具相当的规模。这些产品都以绿色无污染、品质纯正、价格公道而受到香精香料用户的欢迎。

Shanghai FangYuan natural flavor Co, Ltd. In the beautiful scenery of Pudong golden bridge area, it is specialized in the Northwest specialty (Gansu, Xinjiang) of pure natural flavor sales, research and development businesses. Northwest is located in the western part of China, There was a vast grass land and rich resources, in particular Gansu and Xinjiang, the western region is the natural flavor. World-renowned Gansu Kushui Rose, the Rose series of products sales over contry and abroad; Angelica Shaji, yellow Artemisia, etc. in LongNan , have a very size; the scale of China's Xinjiang lavender is the main origin. These products have a green clean, pure quality, price and the fair market by flavor.
Shanghai FangYuan natural flavor Company around the Gansu major flavor production base, the main processing enterprises and Rose Society, set up sales company in Shanghai. To provide quality unique, cheap and natural flavor for Shanghai and eastern China, Gansu natural Perfume open sales channels. At Shanghai and eastern China the same time relying on companies in the area of science and technology, professionals, advanced equipment, will be committed to the development of natural flavor and deep-processing technology research, and strive for new and old users with flavor products and application technology support services.


    企业名称: 上海芳缘天然香料有限公司
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 上海市浦东新区巨峰路995弄14号602
    企业电话: 021-68979937
    所在地: 上海
    企业类型: 企业单位 ()
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
    经营范围: 玫瑰精油,香紫苏油,紫苏籽油,南瓜籽油,沙棘果油,番茄籽油,当归净油,当归浸膏,马刺花净油,马刺花浸膏,核桃壳净油,核桃壳浸膏,黄蒿油,
    注册年份: 2000