
阅读:0 页面更新时间:2016-05-24 07:55
亘久机电是一个高质量的组织与人才的质量管理,从采购、采购、国际业务, 工程、供应链管理精益生产领域。然而,我们正在经历一个巨大的业务增长和高服务从独资企业和中国客户的需求。 我们的使命是为我们的客户提供的解决方案所需的时间。这包括和国内采购和供应链管理。我们与北美采购联盟和有多个采购网络。我们也有世界各地的数百名合作伙伴服务客户的需求。
  除了采购,我们专注于管理供应商的质量和准时交货。供应商的质量一直是的制造商的噩梦了几十年。我们的客户不应该担心他们的供应商的产品质量,与其花费大量的非增值时间和金钱在进货检查,他们应该将注意力集中在他们的核心竞争力为客户增值的产品。不幸的是,今天世界上80% - 90%的制造商仍然担心他们的产品上使用有缺陷的零件和终客户的抱怨或失去业务。
  Our mission is to provide our customers with the best solutions sible within the time required. That includes global and domestic procurement and supply chain management. We are associated with North American Global Sourcing Alliance and have multiple global procurement networks. We also have hundreds of partners throughout the world to serve our customers’ needs.
  Besides global sourcing, we specialize in managing suppliers’ quality and on time delivery. Suppliers’ quality has been one of the biggest manufacturers’nightmares for decades. Our customers should not have to worry about their suppliers’ product quality; they are entitled to use worry-free parts directly on their production line. Instead of spending lots of non-value added time and money on incoming inspection, they should focus their attention on their core competency of making value-added products for their customers. Unfortunately, 80% - 90% of manufacturers in the world today are still worried about using defective parts on their products and end up with customers’ complains or losing business.
  However, we can solve this problem because we have effective quality control system and methodologies to ensure consistent product quality and on time delivery. We have many well trained and tested suppliers as our partners to meet our customers’ requirements.


    企业名称: 苏州亘久机电有限公司
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 江苏省苏州市高新区泰山路2号博济科技创业园D座106A室
    企业电话: 86-512-68319105
    所在地: 江苏/苏州
    企业类型: 企业单位 ()
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
    经营范围: 电气设备,五金交电,电子产品,包装材料,办公设备,橡塑制品