
阅读:162 页面更新时间:2013-07-03 16:13

    中瑞集团主要发展在华清节能源及新能源技术的研发、制造、推广与应用,并通过中国大陆丰富的人力资源、制造资源和完善的产业链,完成以中国大陆市场为主并辐射的环保锅炉的产业布局。并在全国各省市设有分公司、办事机构,负责产品的销售及售后服务工作。Zhong Rui Group mainly develops R&D, manufacturing, popularization and application of clean energy and new energy technology in China and completes the environment friendly boiler industry layout based on Chinese Mainland market and radiating the whole world through rich human resource, manufacturing resource and perfect industrial chain of Chinese Mainland. Set branches and offices in the provinces and cities all over the nation, responsible for marketing and after-sale service of product.
在极度稀缺的能源现状,2010年2月中瑞集团与Royal Institute of Technology携手,成立 “南京中瑞锅炉有限公司”,依托国外人才与技术优势,并适时引进当今欧洲的节能、环保技术,推广以清洁能源为燃料的“中瑞”牌燃油、燃气、电锅炉。Under the extremely rare energy current situation, Zhongrui Group had founded “Nanjing Zhongrui Boiler Co., Ltd” together with Royal Institute of Technology in February 2010, depending on foreign talents and technology advantages and introducing the current most advanced energy conservation and environment friendly technologies timely, to popularize “Zhongrui” brand fuel oil, fuel gas and electric boiler whose fuels are clean energy.
2010年7月“中瑞锅炉”荣获山东省第四届绿博会 “环境责任企业”称号。In July 2010, “Zhongrui Boiler” was awarded “Most Environmental Liability Enterprise” title by Shandong Province 4th Green Expo.
2011年11月再度扩张成立起“扬州中瑞锅炉有限公司”. 并于2012年与东北B级锅炉制造企业开展OEM合作,依托东北老工业基地制造资源优势,推出了高效冷凝余热回收燃气蒸汽锅炉,热效率高达96~103%,产品完全符合丹麦哥本哈根气候大会提倡的low-carbon经济技术的世界发展趋势。In November 2011, Zhongrui expanded again to establish “Yangzhou Zhongrui Boiler Co., Ltd”. And Zhongrui developed OEM cooperation with Northeast Class B Boiler Manufacturing Enterprise, relying on manufacture resource advantages of old industrial base in northeast, launching efficient condensation waste heat recovery gas steam boiler whose heat efficiency is up to 96%~103%. The product fully conformed to the global low-carbon economic and technical development tendency advocated by Denmark Copenhagen climatic conference.
     此外公司还自主研发了冷凝间接加热热水机组(锅炉)、冷凝真空热水机组(锅炉)冷凝常压热水机组(锅炉),烟气余热回收有机热载体(导热油)锅炉、沼气锅炉、环保型煤锅炉、生物质锅炉等。In addition, our company has also independently developed condensation indirect heating hot water unit (boiler), condensation vacuum hot water unit (boiler), condensation atmospheric pressure hot water unit (boiler), flue gas waste heat recovery organic heat carrier (conduction oil) boiler, biogas boiler, environment friendly coal burning boiler, biomass boiler, etc. 
担负节能减排重任的中瑞锅炉,与国内外多家大型企业保持着密切合作.公司产品广泛应用于纺织、印染、造纸、食品、橡胶、塑料、化工、医药、钢铁、冶金等工业产品加工工艺过程所需蒸汽和热水,并可供企业、机关、宾馆、学校、餐饮、服务性等行业的取暖、洗浴、空调及生活热水。 Zhongrui Boiler, undertaking heavy responsibilities of energy conservation and emission reduction, has kept close cooperation with many larger enterprises at home and abroad. The company products are extensively used for steam and hot water which are needed in the industrial products processing technological process, such as textile, printing and dyeing, papermaking, food, rubber, plastic, chemical engineering, medicine, steel and metallurgy, and the products can also be used for heating, bathing, air conditioning and domestic water in the enterprise, office, hotel, school, catering and service industry.
     公司拥有欧洲先进的科技管理体系,的工艺装备、高素质的员工队伍。 凭借“科技、环保、创新”的经营理念,以技术为核心,市场需求为导向,创中国low -carbon boiler卓越品牌将成为中瑞人不竭之动力!Our company sesses European advanced scientific and technological management system, sophisticated technological equipment and high quality workforce. By virtue of “science and technology, environment friendly, innovation” operation philosophy, technology as the core, market demand as the direction, to create Chinese low -carbon boiler excellent brand will be an inexhaustible motive force of Zhongrui staff!


    企业名称: 扬州中瑞锅炉有限公司
    商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
    企业地址: 江苏省扬州市泰安创业园
    企业电话: 4006129006
    所在地: 江苏/扬州
    企业类型: 企业单位 (制造商)
    保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
    经营范围: 燃气热水锅炉,燃气蒸汽锅炉,电热水锅炉,蒸汽发生器
    注册年份: 2010